
畢業(yè)論文:On the C -E Translation of Company Profiles:A Pragmatic Approach

發(fā)表時間:2013/9/21 19:27:59

On the C -E Translation of Company Profiles:
A Pragmatic Approach

Submitted in
Partial Requirement
For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

With the global economic integration and the booming of China’s economy, Sino-foreign cooperation and e*change become more frequent. Increasing numbers of companies are in or going into the competitive international market. A company profile plays a progressively important role in publicity, setting up a good and healthy company image and facilitating entrance into the foreign markets. However, due to the huge differences between Chinese and the target language in terms of language habits, culture and cognitive models, pragmatic failures in company profile translation are very common, which often results in misunderstanding and confusion.
This thesis studies the definition, function and principles of company profiles, and analyses the pragmatic failures in company profile translation, aiming at providing viable translation strategies from the pragmatic persp
4.3E*tra E*planation or Domestication to Solve Cultural Defaults and Conflicts--8
5. Conclusion------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

1. Introduction
With the booming of global economy and the increase of foreign trade, more and more Chinese companies pay their attention to the overseas market, to take advantage of global resources and obtain a strong foothold in the world competition. The current development of China makes it almost a must for any company to compose an English introduction since many companies want to develop beyond the market. Thus the English version of a company profile becomes necessary for any company pursuing the foreign market.
A company profile, from a marketing perspective, is an effective tool to establish goodwill between a company and its customers. A well-designed company profile establishes a positive corporate image. Among the top Chinese enterprises, many enterprises have a profile in English; however, some of these translations are far from satisfactory, as is shown later in the thesis, because they are word-for-word translation or fail to e*press or even distort the meaning conveyed by the corresponding Chinese origin. Undoubtedly, such kind of translation will lead to confusion and misunderstanding, and e*ert negative impact on the company image and the loss may be far beyond e*pectation.
This thesis introduces the definition and function of company profile, analyses some e*amples of pragmatic failures, and then brings forwards three translation strategies of company profiles

2. Basic Knowledge of Company Profiles
2.1Definition of Company Profiles
A company profile is essentially a resume for a company to establish credibility, helping potential customers to understand the business of a certain company and its approach, unique strengths and relevant e*perience. Besides, it demonstrates a company’s ability to effectively meet customers’ needs.
The company profile offers “who we are” and “what we do” information to its potential customers, employees and partners who will read it first to evaluate whether or not it is the kind of company they’d like to work with. A well-written profile can create a favorable image whereas an ill-written one can spoil the image that the company wants to convey, and even worse, it may induce unfavorable or negative result among the readers.
The main content of a company profile includes: time and place the company being founded; its rank in the business, its sales volumes, numbers of clients/employees, product brand, innovation, investment, and slogans.etc.
2.2 Functions of Company Profiles
Peter Newmark mentions in his book Approaches to Translation that te*ts have three kinds of functions: a) the e*pressive function; b) the informative function; c) the vocative function (Newmark, 2001:47). According to Newmark, the e*pressive function is author-centered. It is about the mind of the speaker or the writer, the originator of the utterance. Literature is typically of this type of function. The informative function is much more about the content of the te*t, paying much attention to the e*ternal situation, the facts of a topic and the reality outside the language including reported ideas or theories, which almost equals to what/where/when/how/who.etc. Technical reports are typically of this type of ……(未完,全文共25407字,當前僅顯示4570字,請閱讀下面提示信息。收藏《畢業(yè)論文:On the C -E Translation of Company Profiles:A Pragmatic Approach》